For those that have kept themselves updated through Twitter
or Facebook will probably know that yesterday I secured my first job at IPC Media.
I was absolutely thrilled to receive a job offer after two interviews at IPC
that happened on Tuesday and Thursday just gone.
If you’ve kept up with my blog then you’ll know that since the
last time I posted (mid-end of May time) I was job hunting. During that time I
had applied for a few jobs but I never heard back. It wasn’t until after an
application for a job at Woman & Home and Homes & Gardens magazines
that I got my first interview offer. It was a bit daunting knowing I had my
first graduate interview, but I was determined to succeed and as I stress on my
blog so often – interview preparation makes all the difference. Luckily I did
succeed and without the preparation, I wouldn’t have secured the job. Might I
just add that I didn’t have any contacts within this company, and much to my
dismay none of my contacts proved useful when I was searching for jobs.
Anyway you can find out the one-week process I went through,
from day 1 (receiving an interview date) to day 7 (receiving a job offer) on
Saturday the 30th of June. Unfortunately I’m not going to be posting
anymore blogs until that date as I’m holiday. Once I return I’ll resume the
usual schedule.
By the way, for any grads out there still out of work and
reading my blog, make sure you stay positive and keep working on your
applications. The graduate job climate isn’t good but it’s still possible to
get those interviews and job offers.
I've been following for a while but thought I'd comment to say congrats!