Saturday, 9 June 2012

Interview Preparation: Tips for a successful interview

To date I have done many blog posts regarding interviews and this is because they are such an important aspect of the recruitment process. I’ve previously stated that being offered an interview in the publishing industry is like receiving one of Willy Wonka’s golden ticket and I stick by that statement. It is important that when you are offered an interview you should try to make it as successful as possible to ensure your chances of being offered the job. 

1) Make a good impression 
Doing the significant research during your preparation is a sure way of making a good impression at your interview. It’s as well important to keep up your good impressions before and after the interview – in other words stay in interview mode until you’re clear of the building. Aimee Bateman speaks about this in her video ‘The One Mile Rule’. 

2) Practise ahead of time with sample questions and different interview styles 
Rehearse your sample questions and answers. The rehearsing will encourage you to think clearly about your answers and the questions that the interviewer may ask. Creating a document of sample questions and answers will allow you to rehearse different interview styles, examine and improve any of your answers. If you are stuck for inspiration, there are plenty of sample interview questions to view online. 

3) Ask good questions to the interviewer 
It shows interest and it shows that you’ve done your research. Asking the interviewer questions is practically necessary – check out my previous ‘Interview Preparation: Asking the Employer Questions’ blog post. 

4) Leave a good impression by sending a follow up letter 
The interviewer will probably expect a follow up letter that will thank them for their time, it doesn’t need to be very long and at the very least it is polite to do so.  

Do you have any interview stories? Post them in the comments thread below.

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