I haven’t posted ‘Keeping you updated…’ in quite a while, and this is because I’ve literally been rushed off my feet.

This week I had some really good news and managed to bag myself an internship at New York ’s Cocokouture magazine. Here, I’m hoping to write under the lifestyle section and write about love and relationships. I literally can’t wait. My first article should be published in the next few weeks.
Speaking of published articles, I have my fingers cross that my first Guardian article will be published soon. Again, I’ll put a link in my ‘About Me’ page to my Guardian portfolio.
There aren’t any new plans for my Blog, but I’ll keep posting new blogs relating to the ‘CV Workshop’s’ and ‘Snapshot Diaries’. Also, I've had a few people speaking to me about where to begin with work experience so, I'm setting up a brand new page called 'Where Do I Start?' - stay tuned.
Lastly, I have received quite a lot of positive feedback from this Blog, so thank you all for your kind comments and I’m so appreciative. I didn’t realise when writing this Blog how many people would actually find it useful and I’m so pleased you are. Stay in touch.
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