Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Intern Opportunities: 29 May 2012

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Intern Opportunities

Do you want a paid internship?

Are you looking for your first job?

Saturday, 26 May 2012

My Recommended Online Resources for Interview Preparation

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This week I’m continuing my interview blog post theme, and I’m going to supply you with some resources for interview preparation that I have found particularly useful. Whether you’ve got an interview coming up or you’re hoping to get one, spend your free time wisely and get clued up with interviews.
It seems that the graduate market really is as competitive as people say, and if you’re lucky enough to be shortlisted for an interview then there is really no room for error. An interview is like getting one of Willy Wonka’s golden tickets. The fierce competition for the entry-level publishing job makes the interview preparation crucial to being hired – hence my series of interview preparation blog posts. Below I have listed a few of the well-known websites that give interview advice, but of course there are LOADS and these are just a few of my favourites.

1)     The Student Room
I found a super long but useful blog post on the student room forums. It details 50 questions that you are interviewer may ask you and some advice about how to answer.
Check out: The Student Room 

2)     The Guardian Careers
I’m always writing about the Guardian Careers in one way or another and this is because they are really useful. They have an entire section on interviews, not to mention all of the other recruitment related topics.
Check out: The Guardian Careers 

3)     The Telegraph Website
The Telegraph website has a careers advice section with a useful article regarding the 10 most frequently asked interview questions. It as well gives advice about how you should be answering the questions.
Check out: The Telegraph 

4)     Prospects
I couldn’t leave out the UK’s official graduate website. It has plenty of tips regarding job interviews including what impressions to make, interview questions and problems. You could definitely spend a few hours on this website and find out a lot.

These are four of my favourites. However, a simple Google search will pick up an array of useful websites to prepare you for an interview. If you’re in a similar position to me of applying for jobs and hoping for an interview, then the best way to occupy your time is to research all facets of the recruitment process.

Some of you who are following me on Twitter may be aware that I’ve started up a second blog called ‘The Beauty Bag’. I decided to create it as I have all this spare time and a love for beauty and writing. Do check it out and let me know what you think.
If you would like to contribute to this blog then email me

Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Intern Opportunities: 22nd May 2012

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Intern Opportunities

Are you looking for your first job?
  • Today’s Golfer has a 6-month contract available for a junior web producer. Click here to apply

Saturday, 19 May 2012

Do you have a job interview coming up? Here's why not to worry...

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Ifyou have a job interview coming up it is normal to have pre-interview nerves. Tohelp calm you down I’ve supplied a number of reasons below as to why youshouldn’t worry about your upcoming interview.

Congratulations,you have been short listed
Manypublishing vacancies are inundated with hundreds of applications, so to getshort listed means that your application stood out. It proves that you have thepotential to get hired.

Jobinterviews are useful experiences
Evenif you don’t get the job it is still great interview experience that you canlearn from next time round.

Many of the interview candidates will produce good interviews. This means that employerswill choose the right candidate that is most suited to their company, so don’t be offended if youaren’t hired because you could have had a good interview, but you just weren't the right person for the job. Therefore, don’t take itpersonally and try not to let it knock your confidence.

You will beokay no matter what
Inthe grand scheme of things its only one job interview that will be about 30 minuteslong. As long as you have prepared for it, there is nothing more that you cando. Overall, you should try your best, keep calm and enjoy it.

Goinginto your job interview in the right frame of mind will make all thedifference. Don’t go in there as a nervous wreck, take a few deep breaths andsmile. What’s the worst that can happen?

Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Intern Opportunities: 15th May 2012

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Intern Opportunities

Do you want a varied internship?
  • Phoenix Magazine is looking for interns who will gain varied experience in any of the following, editorial content, social media, marketing and assisting with editorial shoots. Click here to apply.

Are you looking for your first job?
  • The National Magazine Company is looking for an Events and Sponsorship Assistant. Click here to apply. 

Saturday, 12 May 2012

Intern Opportunities
  • Conde Nast is seeking a picture intern at their Vogue office. Click here to apply
  • The Hunger is an online magazine seeking editorial interns. Click here to apply
  • Hachette is seeking an editorial intern for a period of three months. Click here to apply
  • Oxford University Press is seeking a publicity intern from now until September 2012 for one day a week. Click here to apply

Are you looking for your first job?
  • Palgrave Macmillan is seeking a marketing assistant at their Basingstoke office. Click here to apply.
  • Sailing Today magazine is seeking a full time news/features writer. Click here to apply

Would you like to have your intern opportunities advertised on this blog? Send me an email

Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Intern Opportunities: 8th May 2012

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Intern Opportunities

Are you looking for a flexible internship?

Are you looking for your first job?

Saturday, 5 May 2012

Interview Preparation: What to Do When You Can Answer a Question

Get ‘Interview Preparation: What to Do When You Can Answer a Question’ and other blog posts straight to your inbox by subscribing to this blog via email. Please see the subscription box on the right hand side and submit your email. Once submitted, you will need to use the link in the automatic activation email to VERIFY your subscription.

This blog post follows on from my previous blog post: Interview Preparation: What to Do When You Can’t Answer a Question. Now, if you’re one of those savvy individuals who thinks they can or will be able to answer interview questions, have you thought about how you’re going to answer – literally. I’m not talking about the structure of your content; I’m talking about how you are presenting your content. The most important thing to remember is that your interview is not a presentation it is a Q&A. There is a distinct difference. For example, the interviewer may ask ‘In relation to your CV and past experience, tell me a bit about yourself?’ one candidate may spend 40 seconds to 1 minute answering and another may spend 8 minutes answering. Content wise these answers could be just as good as each other, but the point is that the latter candidate isn’t being a savvy interviewee.
Here is what I mean by that:

1) Duration
Talking at your interviewer the whole time is not going to earn you any brownie points. You may feel that a longer answer is essentially a better answer but it isn’t. You should aim to keep standard answers below two minutes, this will ensure that the interviewer can take the lead with questions, won’t get bored or god forbid start looking at their watch. The more succinct and concise you can be with your answers then the better.

2) Don’t explain everything
The reason for keeping the duration of your answers down is because it will prevent you from digressing, and if you’re not careful you could forget the question you were even asked. As well it will ensure that you don’t over explain everything. If your interviewer is seeking clarification, they will certainly ask for it.

3) Keep it relevant
This expands on the pointer above. You should keep your answers as relevant as possible. For example, if they are asking you about a specific marketing placement that you undertook, don’t start talking about any other placements in your answer unless it has in direct relevance.

4) Don’t give too much away
It’s important to keep composed in an interview so that you can provide succinct and concise answers. However, I’ve known some interviewers to ask the same question twice. For instance, they may ask ‘what do you consider to be your weakness?’ you may then produce your prepared answer, but your interviewer may not be satisfied with it. When they ask again, the worst answer that you could give is something along the lines of ‘another weakness is that I can be lazy’. This answer will set alarm bells off in the interviewer’s head. So, even if you have to sit for a minute and think about your answer, then that is better than giving too much away.

5) Body language
As a last pointer, you may want to think about the body language you’re presenting to your interviewer. For example, you should keep your arms unfolded, shoulders down and relaxed, keep consistent eye contact and sit in an upright posture. You would be surprised at the amount you can give away or the negative impressions you can impose through use of body language.
You can also take note of the body language of interviewer especially when you are answering their questions. For example, if you’ve been talking for too long your interviewer may look away, look at their watch, fidget or blankly stare at you. These are all signs that you should be aware of when answering interview questions.
 Lastly, have a listen to the Guardian Careers podcast: Five Steps for Interview Success http://careers.guardian.co.uk/audio/careers-talk-five-steps-for-interview-success, I found it interesting.

Do you have any suggestions/requests for upcoming interview blog posts? Send or tweet them to me. 

Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Intern Opportunities: 1st May 2012

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Intern Opportunities
I have teamed up with UK Fashion Intern (@ukfashionintern), who has carefully selected this week’s intern opportunities.

Are you looking for a 12 month PAID placement?
PAID Industrial Placement at Arcadia Group in PR, £15,850 plus benefits. Can you start June 2012? http://ow.ly/1LkLQB

Journalism and PR
  • Fashion PR internship at Fashion156 magazine http://ow.ly/1LpZfT 
  • Cheltenham Fashion Week PR are looking for intern help http://ow.ly/aamcm
  • Alberta Ferretti is looking for PR intern, immediate start. Can you commit to a one-month full time internship? http://ow.ly/1Lp2eC
  • Fashion Journalist intern sought by BlackSuede Magazine. Do you love to attend press days/art exhibitions/LFW? http://ow.ly/1Lp4XN

Are you looking for your first job?
The Little Brown Book Group is seeking a marketing assistant. For more information, please visit http://www.littlebrown.co.uk/About/JobVacancies.